
Almost every day after work, I went to the gym from 6.30 to 8.30 every weekday. Right after the gym, I’d settle down and watch TV for a few hours before going to sleep. I went through a busy period at work, and I noticed I went to the gym less frequently. However, I was watching the same amount of TV or more per week.

I became curious. Why did the frequency of me going to gym decrease, and why was I watching the same amount of TV, or more, per week? I knew it had something to do with my habits and I expected to learn a few things. However, after researching habits, what I found blew my mind and changed my life! Continue reading How to build habits that last

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1. Think critically about your routines

We are all creatures of habit. Take a moment to think about your routines. Ask yourself whether your current routines can stand some improvement. If so, find new methods or processes that could improve your efficiency. This could be as simple as using a better note taking app, using a more efficient software, cutting down on television time, etc. Continue reading 3 tips to increase your efficiency

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1. Build up your mental library

Think of reading as the rapid acquisition of condensed knowledge. Experts, who have worked a long time in your field of interest, have written books with relevant information that you might find useful. Reading ritualistically will help you form new ideas and connections in your mind, and you’ll start to piece information together. Leverage this simple fact and watch your effectiveness skyrocket. Continue reading 3 tips to increase your effectiveness

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Productivity declines sharply when people work more than 50 hours a week, according to a study conducted by Stanford University. Past 55 hours a week, productivity drops so much that there’s no point in working any longer. To work effectively, it is important to maximize the quantity and quality of work done in those first 50 hours – to get the biggest “bang for your buck”. This article describes in detail the concept of working smarter, not harder using the Pareto Principle. Continue reading How to work less and be appreciated for it

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