Author's Posts

Recently I read Robert Kiyosaki’s book, ” Increase Your Financial IQ: Get Smarter with Your Money” which explained his take on core areas of financial intelligence. The concepts were broken down into simple terms and explained well with many stories to illustrate his point of view.

Robert breaks down financial intelligence into 5 main categories:

  • Make more money
  • Protectyour money
  • Budget your money
  • Leverage your money
  • Improve your financial information

Continue reading 5 Financial Intelligences

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Seeking approval is defined as looking to others for permission that what you’re doing is acceptable. As an adult in modern society, it is in your best interest to conduct yourself as you see fit, guided by your morals, values and principles. Staying true to your beliefs, standing up for what you believe in are all admirable qualities that are difficult to embody and live, but most beneficial to becoming a strong character. 

In this episode, we’ll go over a few approval seeking behaviors that you can start cutting out from your life, and work towards gaining respect the right way – being loved for who you truly are not saying and doing what you think other people expect of you.

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“Let’s aim for a win-win deal here. We only want what’s fair.”

If you ever hear these two sentences, chances are you’re dealing with an experienced negotiator.

You might be thinking to yourself:

“What’s wrong with win-win, Azfan? And fair is amazing. That’s what I want too!”

I think a story will best illustrate this point. Continue reading Negotiation Philosophy – Stop Losing Out and Start Winning

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I’ve written on negotiation before [Click Here] and a few people reached out and asked for more detail. They said “These ideas are great, but how can I go about implementing this in my life?”

This led me to reflect and experiment with the idea of negotiation. Using myself as a human guinea pig, I extracted a 3 step process that can work in many negotiation situations. In this article, I’m going to share this simple framework which you can adopt and use to help you structure your negotiations.

Imagine this scenario:

It’s starting to become a hot summer and you decide to buy an airconditioner. You find an ad on craigslist that has a used one listed for $50. You think to yourself, “wow, $50! what a great deal!”. After meeting with the seller, you pay them $50 and go home, happy with your new airconditioner.

Why didn’t you negotiate?

Continue reading How I Negotiated $230 of Free Internet Services

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